We got the official letter from MoreThan rejecting our insurance claim. No idea why it takes so long to get correspondence sorted but considering we were burgled almost five months ago it does seem extraordinarily drawn out. Anyway, their explanation was that they considered the burglary a "walk in". I wrote back explaining that coming down a private road to the last house, scaling a high (locked) gate and jimmying a lock sounds a lot more sinister than a careless, opportunistic "walk in" and pointed out that the forensics expert and PC who came round said they could've picked the lock in under five minutes. Regardless, I feel better for challenging their decision as I'm sure most people don't.
As we have a police monitored alarm on when we're not in the house it's actually more attractive for burglars to strike when we're at home (though they're assuming we don't sleep with it on).
My Plan B was to get a dog. I've mentioned the Boston Terrier in other posts so here it is again (pictured top). Not only is it considered a good guard dog it seems the perfect dog for lazy owners: "This breed of dog loves playtime. However, when it comes to actual exercise, only moderate activity is required. While you could take the Boston Terrier for a long walk, it is not necessary. Typically, a short walk a few times a week would suffice."
Someone, please, talk me out of it before I weaken...