April in Southern England usually doesn't get warmer than the high teens (that's celcius kids) so you can imagine how delicious it's been the last two sun-saturated weekends with the temperature going as high as 27 degrees. It's like June, in Spain. The Bluebells were out two weeks early in the Ashdown Forest in Sussex (Winnie the Pooh territory FYI) and back in London the view in all directions was suddenly heaving with greenery.
We did a lot of garden related tidying up, well, Rob did it mostly as it involved sorting out the wooden furniture with it's annual weather proofing facelift, fixing the sun umbrella, mowing the lawn, trimming plants and filling sacks with weeds and stuff. I managed to sit on a sun lounger and read a magazine cover-to-cover in between making marinades for BBQ items.

The best bit was getting two rolls of copper tape in the post (£8 from eBay) which means this years lettuce project is off to a flying start. Or maybe my reputation as a snail assassin has reached the corners of our garden. Either way, the snails are being shy.

How is the copper tape utilised?
Good question - I mistakenly bought 6mm tape which was useless, mainly cos it wouldn't stay stuck on. I now have the 30mm stuff - sticky backed/self-adhesive in rolls of about 3 metres. You peel off the back and adhere it to the containers housing the lettuces. The snails won't cross it cos of the electromagnetic field. Definitely works :)
Electromagnetic field is the best part of it .
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