This may come as no surprise to those who see me every day, but we're lacking well-placed mirrors in this house. Our last flat had a wall of windows in the bathroom so everything from flossing to makeup application was usually done with strong daylight. Here though, all three spaces designated for personal grooming are in badly lit, internal spaces. I decided to remedy this on the back of my de-junking project and started looking around for a suitable mirror.
Rob hates frou-frou so anything tongue-in-cheek was out (I did think a massive ornate gold thing might be OK but this was met with near hysteria) so my mission was to find something mid-century and preferably teak to match the cabinet/bar.
I don't have the time or inclination to trawl round second hand shops at the weekend so off to eBay for me. I found the perfect mirror... but forgot to bid on it (it went for £16.50). Luckily there was a slightly smaller one (75cm high) available as a Buy It Now item (£24.99 + £9.99 postage) - pictured top of this page. It arrived today but unfortunately when I opened the extensive packaging it was broken (pictured below).
Fortunately, my local mirror and glass guy was open late tonight, and he cut a new piece of glass and fitted it for £20. An hour after opening my package I had it back again looking, well, as good as new.
I guess there's a lesson in there about ordering glass objects off the internet, but all's well that ends well.