At the end of the build I doubt there'll be anything left in the coffers for such trivialities as furnishings. Well, not when you can buy blinds from Ikea. But should we happen to have some spare moolah I would love to buy some custom blinds from surfaceview.co.uk. You can choose from their extensive archive of illustrations or photography and then superimpose the image on blinds (or wall murals or prints) of almost any size.
I'm keen on the blinds as this is solving two issues in one fell swoop - covering a window and providing a bit of art/colour in an otherwise undecorated space. Also, the blind option allows you to chose transparent or blackout, and prices for a 1m wide blind with VAT and postage starts at about £220.
The sultry lady caressing a tree (above) would be perfect as we own a framed print of this, or rather, we did. I left it in New Zealand with a friend for safe-keeping and when she got married I told her to keep it to save me sorting a present.
The sky (below) would be superb in the kids room or the office, giving a fake view of a perfect sunny day - can you imagine how lovely that would be in the depths of a bleak winter?
Each room in our new house has two windows, so if I had unlimited funds I'd get two for our room, two for the kids room and two for the spare room/office - around £1,320 all up. Ouch. What can I sell on eBay to fund my blind crush?

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