This light is either a reproduction of the Verner Panton version, or a very good copy. Since it was at the ICFF I'm going to guess it was a reproduction, but you never know. I'm sure someone with a better eye for Verner Panton originals can correct me.
My ex's parents had this lamp hanging in their 1970s house and I've always lusted after it. Even after we broke up I mentioned that if they ever wanted to sell it to let me know. Years later when I heard his parents were separating and selling the family home my second reaction (after "Are you OK?", natch) was 'Are they selling that really cool 60s hanging lamp?'
Apparently they hated it because it hung in an alcove near the door and constantly got tangled up whenever the wind blew. And a couple of the delicate strands had snapped over the years. I guess they must've been nostalgic because they hung onto it and I'm pleased to say that after some time apart they finally got back together. I must find out if this lamp is hanging in their new house...
Yeah, that's one incredible piece. Panton's an absolute design legend. Thanks for the post.
You're welcome, thanks for the comment. We have a Danska Mobler lounge suite at our house in New Zealand - it's a true design classic and has survived since the 1960s!
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