I think Rob enjoys stressing me out. He says extraordinary things and then waits for a reaction. He's had plenty of fodder in this renovation project to turn me into a hysterical banshee but I've learnt that he's prone to exaggeration and is fond of creating drama where there isn't one. Case in point: he told me the lamp shades we'd chosen as pendant lights were too big. He said even if they were hung a little higher than they should be, they looked wrong for the space. I pointed out that they cost less than £120 so were a temporary solution until we could find something we really liked.
When I saw the pendant lights in real life, I have to admit, I couldn't see what the problem was - they look absolutely in proportion to the space to me. In fact, they look better than I thought they would. I definitely don't feel motivated to replace them just yet. Here they are in a photo, let me know if you think they look too big...
I think they work. My other half is like this too. We have a teeny tiny pendant light in our study because he was adamant that the size I had chosen would be too big. It looks ridiculous!
They look cool! You have such fab taste, can't wait to come and visit!
I will not recommend this kind of lights in the kitchen. This kind of lights is more appropriate for guest room or dining room. You can use some small lights in the kitchen.
I Buy Lights
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