We've been in two nights. It snowed this morning - I woke with a slightly running nose but it had kind of frosted over. The thin plywood and tarp protecting the back of the house means icy cold air is blowing straight up the house - the boiler had given up the ghost in the middle of the night so had to be kick started this morning. Even with the top two floors being heated the draft negates any benefit. We've managed to semi block our stairs with spare mattresses so hopefully it'll warm up soon. We're all wearing four layers and I've even dug out my Ugg boots.
I've started unpacking - though yesterday was spent at our flat building flat pack furniture and cleaning up. Rob was there until 3am, I managed to escape at 7.30pm to collect our kids from very generous friends who will probably never babysit for us again (thanks Kari and Graham!). Our tenants are students - I find it kind of odd that we've both worked for 20+ years and converted that flat from a horrid 1970s nightmare into a streamlined modern space, with 100% NZ wool carpet, hardwood flooring (soundproofed), all mod cons etc to get a pretty good living space... only for students who are straight out of the uni hostel to enjoy the spoils of all that! Lucky sods.
I thought about you guys when I saw the snow today, brrr, at least you don't have to wait too long for your glass.
Where do students get their money these days??? There are two newly renovated houses in our street that have been done really nicely and they are too rented to students! My student pad was a heap, and that wasn't even London prices!
I know! I lived in some total pits when I was a student. I was thrilled to get a call from one of the tenants tonight who was so tickled with everything there, even the ugly uncomfortable sofa we'd bought for them... poor Rob was a zombie today and his delicate office hands might never recover from all that manual labour! (He's just been made redundant so at least he can help sort the boxes out and do some DIY!)
Ohmigod (as you would say) I can't believe you are coping with having mattresses across your stairs. That is sooooooo Un-Kay. I am jealous of the snow thing - would much rather have winter snow than endless winter torrential downpours.
We have Tony Reid round for dinner, but not too much London reminiscing tonight.
We miss you guys, so hope we'll see you soonish. Can't wait to come and visit the house. Maybe 2015?
love Gordon Lou and Bella
2015 Gordon? Let me check my diary...
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