It's hard to type as my fingers are split from a combination of the cold and manual labour. Assembling flat pack furniture takes its toll - and that was for the flat, not our lovely new house. So. Here we are. The removal company was fantastic, if you're in East London I can't recommend Pegler Removals enough. They were punctual and efficient, and so far, not a single thing's been broken. The 1960s Danish teak wooden bar has a nasty new scratch but considering our stuff filled most of this enormous truck I can't really complain. More importantly, the driver backed this truck up a very narrow long driveway - something lesser lorry drivers haven't managed in recent times.
Two weeks ago we had a sofa delivered and the blokes who carted it into the house said it wouldn't go up stairs and that we'd have to get a window taken out. Teia-the-builder pointed out that this couldn't happen as the windows were double glazed PVC and not designed to come out… I had visions of destroying my lovely new stair well in order to accommodate the sofa. Teia managed to get the sofa through the gap using patience and cunning. It turns out the shape of the hole and the length of the sofa was a problem anyone with half a brain could solve (in other words, not the sofa delivery blokes… and not me).
Our old sofa also made it upstairs (and that's even bigger) so right now the family room resembles a hotel lobby with two black leather chaise/corner suites.
Downstairs looks as per below… like we're gearing up for a garage sale. It would be OK to have this assortment of stuff in a garden shed, or the garage, but what you're looking at there is the space between the kitchen counter and the extension. Once the garage has been emptied I'll relocate most of this stuff there.
In other news: the alarm's been installed, the bed for the spare room arrived today from Muji and the new TV and home cinema system is up and running (thanks to Richard who popped over last night while we scoffed home delivery from our new local curry place). In the not-so-good list is Sky who were meant to install their dish etc on Sunday but decided they needed a specialist "height" team and can't come back until December 8th. The entire world was out of stock of the Bosch condensing dryer we wanted (we've had several days of clothes that refuse to dry) so switched to a Zanussi (surprisingly cheaper) and Rob picked one up from Curry's in Whitechapel last night. This is brilliant as I can't find any sheets so we have to wash and dry the ones that are on the bed until we can unpack...
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