We got a response from Sunfold's Head of Installation by post yesterday - a week after I'd written to them. I'm used to email correspondence and expect responses quickly. Anyway, the letter was full of defensive and badly argued points. Again, why don't companies use their PR or marketing department or escalate to someone who can look at formulating a non-inflammatory response? It ended with "In respect of above, we ask that you forward the final payment of £400". In respect of above?! I couldn't see one single reason from the six paragraphs supplied as to why we should pay up, I read it several times. Rob read it and we agreed that the letter writer had missed the point entirely. The six paras amounted to little more than an outline for a relaxed work ethic.
I wrote back addressing each of their six points and ended with a simple summation of the situation. I also said that I was happy for an independent mediator to assess the case, and we would abide by their decision. Of course I emailed it (posting letters with a week turnaround means this could drag on...).
The Head of Installation is away. However, someone else had forwarded my email to the General Manager and he promptly emailed me. His tone was immediately more conciliatory. I am optimistic once he's talked to everyone and read the history we can have a less frustrating debate and hopefully come to a resolution. Failing that, can anyone recommend a good conflict mediator?