This is a double height extension on a narrow Victorian property, so I don't really know why I've included it, other than I don't have a relevant photo to go with this post.
So, what's happening with the actual build?
Not much.
The tender schedule document won't be finished until next week. It's imperative that everything gets included (from which way the joists are running internally, to which walls will be demolished, to structual information, everything we actually want built etc etc) so that the builders can give an accurate quote. This will probably take a few weeks after we've supplied the tender document. Once we have the quotes in, we then have to wait for the builder to have a 12-16 week gap in their schedule in order to start the work.
Way back in December when we exchanged contracts we imagined moving in around May or June, but this looks to be more like July or even August now. The glass for the extension takes 9-12 weeks to manufacture and this can't be ordered until the extension walls are built, so it's possible that we'll end up living in the new house while work is still going on (great with two small kids) or we may have to sell our flat in order to finance the cost over run. Neither of these outcomes is ideal so I'm going to not think about it for a while.
When we originally bought the house I was a bit ambivalent about moving as we're close to the tube and the local school, a great drycleaner and loads of useful shops. The new property will mean having to get up earlier and being more organised about getting supplies in. But I have to admit, after so many conversations with our architect and his fabulous assistant I am starting to get VERY excited about how our house could turn out and am anxious for things to kick off soon (as I'm sure you are too if you've been reading this for the last month!)
POSTSCRIPT (24 hours later) - the tender document has just been despatched to the first of three builders. I was really excited until I read this post on another building blog which said they were waiting for 8 months to get a quote in - argh!
The 8 months were very frustrating, but our main problem was our silly budget and laziness in our research. Our project is nearly done now - just the painting to do.
I'm about to write our top 10 tips on how to survive a project so I'll let you know when it's ready.
Good luck with your project, and remember to be as patient as humanly possible - it's the only way to avoid a nervous breakdown :) keep coming back to www.renovationcentral.co.uk as now the pressure is off I can concentrate on putting more info on it that I hope will help you with your project.
On a side note, I would still recomend our builder, Alex. His number is on the home page
Thanks but I think we've found a builder (finally) who is available and whose quote wasn't completely bonkers. Definitely let me know when your 10 tips are ready - I need them!
Love me tender too. I want to be loved.
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